4 Ways to Live Well in 2017
45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but not many stick to them. This year, Premier Medical wants to encourage you to stick to one resolution – live well. Here are four ways Premier Medical can help you live well in 2017.
Eye Exam
The most important thing you can do in 2017, is schedule a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Why? Regular eye exams can detect the early stages of common eye diseases such as Glaucoma. Eye exams not only detect vision problems, they are also beneficial to your overall health. They can detect high blood pressure and other systemic problems. So what are you waiting for? See what you’ve been missing and schedule an eye exam!
Hearing test
“Can you repeat that?” If you find yourself asking people this question, it’s time to get your hearing checked. An ear exam is the best way to detect problems in the ear canal, eardrum, and middle ear. A hearing test will screen for hearing loss, ear pain, ear infection, discharge and objects in the ear.
Allergy Test
Do you know what you’re allergic to? An allergy test can determine exactly what you are allergic to. There are two types: a blood test and a skin test. Once you know what you’re allergic to and how to manage your symptoms, you can drastically improve your well-being.
Are you getting enough rest? Adequate sleep not only makes you feel better, it will help keep your immune system stay strong. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or being sleepy during the day, you have a sleep disorder. Luckily, Premier Medical can help with sleep troubles.
Taking care of these four things can drastically improve your health. Schedule your appointments and start your journey to live well in 2017!