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Premier Medical is Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Appointments

Premier Medical is Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Appointments

Premier Medical is Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Appointments


At this time, Premier Medical is open from 8:00 A.M – 12:00 P.M. We are HERE TO SERVE YOU AND we would like to announce that we have implemented Telemedicine Appointments to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine is a simple way for patients to be treated by their physician by use of communications such as a videoconference or a phone call, without an in-person visit. All you need is a good internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. A smartphone will also work to get the specialized care you need, without risking your health. The secure, HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing technology is easy to use. If the connection cannot be made, your doctor will call you on the phone.

Telemedicine benefits include:

  • Be seen/treated from anywhere
  • No travel time
  • No parking hassles
  • Keep your distance from others without reducing your quality of care
  • Review diagnostic tests during a Telemedicine visit

Please call YOUR PREFERRED PREMIER MEDICAL OFFICE LOCATION to find out if you are eligible to schedule a virtual appointment.

Please read all this information carefully:

Please be advised that if you have a COVID-19 test pending, we are recommending that you DO NOT come into the office until your results come back negative.

To reduce the number of patients in the waiting room, Premier Medical will offer patients the option of waiting in their vehicle until it’s time for their appointment.

All patients will be screened when calling to make an appointment, to ensure they or anyone in their family:

  • Have not traveled internationally to any country outside the U.S.
  • Have not been exposed to COVID-19 (even if you have not traveled internationally).
  • Are not experiencing flu-like symptoms (significant cough with fever and shortness of breath).

Please be advised that our front desk staff will ask you and your visitor a few questions for the screening process:

  • Have you traveled outside the country since January? If so, where did you go?
  • Have you been in close contact with someone who has traveled outside the country since January? If so, where did this person travel?
  • Have you experienced fever, cough, and shortness of breath?
  • Have you been in close contact with someone who has experienced fever, cough, and shortness of breath?
  • Have you lost your sense of smell and/or taste?

Patients must be symptom-free to enter our offices. Please be aware of those patients who answer “YES” to any of the above questions must be rescheduled. To reschedule your appointment, call YOUR PREFERRED PREMIER MEDICAL OFFICE LOCATION. Insurance providers are allowing coverage for these appointments during this extraordinary time. Remember, if you do require care, please do not come in without first calling the office or by calling YOUR PREFERRED PREMIER MEDICAL OFFICE LOCATION.

We regret we must restrict our patient care this way. We are serving our patients in the safest manner possible by following the advice of the CDCADPH and WHO under these difficult circumstances. In doing this, we will safeguard the health and safety of our patients, our care providers, and the whole community. We hope you understand, and we thank you for your cooperation.

Office operating hours may vary. Please call your preferred office for hours and additional information:

East Office – 251-473-1900

West – 251-341-3368

Daphne – 251-410-9000

Providence – ENT – 251-633-2667

EYE – 251-635-0919

Jackson EYE – 251-246-3231 (closed week of March 30-April 3)

Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding during this time.

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