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A New Year A Premier You

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With a New Year on the way many people have begun to make their list resolutions, but there are a few overlooked things that are more important than not watching as much Netflix. Here are 3 important and  often-overlooked things you should do in 2015.

PRM_Eye Exam  Your eyes work hard, make sure they stay in tip-top shape by visiting an eye care professional for a comprehensive  dilated eye exam.  Regular eye exams can detect the early stages of common eye diseases such as  glaucoma and diabetic eye disease that have no warning signs. Eye exams are not only important for determining your need for vision adjustments, but also for your overall health as they can indicate signs of high blood pressure and other systemic problems.  It is time to see what you have been missing out on and schedule your eye exam for 2015. 

When was the last time you had an allergy test ? – Don’t let allergy season hit without being prepared. To manage your allergies more effectively, you should know what is causing your symptoms. Allergy tests provide definite information about what you’re and are not allergic to. Once you have identified the allergens and how to control the symptoms, you can substantially improve your quality of life.  

Ear Examination – Other than sight, we rely heavily on our ability to hear. Ensure your hearing is in good working condition with an annual ear exam. This test will screen for hearing loss, ear pain attributed to an ear infection, discharge as well as objects in the ear. An ear exam is the only way to detect problems in the ear canal, eardrum, and middle ear.

Get ready to usher in the new year with a healthy new you; schedule your appointment and knock out these 3 vital exams in 2015. It could be the most important thing you do all year.

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