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4 Tips for Beating Summer Allergies

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Summer can be a difficult season for those who suffer from asthma, allergies ,and other respiratory problems. Constant changes in air quality and an abundance of pollen can trigger symptoms, especially in the summer heat. Here are a few tips to help keep your sunny days from being itchy, watery, and even runny. 


1.Treat before you go. Take allergy medication before walking out the door.  If you wait until symptoms kick in, the medication won’t be nearly as effective.  There are many over the counter options to help aid in the treatment of allergy symptoms, but we strongly recommend consulting your physician before starting any new treatment. 


2. Choose to hit the treadmill instead of the running in the park. On high pollen count days opt for exercising indoors where the air is filtered and symptom inducing pollutants are kept at bay. You can easily check the local pollen count online before starting your workout. 

3. Know your specific allergies, so you can favor plants, shrubs and flowers that are more allergy friendly.  If you love to garden or just enjoy spending time outdoors, it is a great idea to know what can trigger your allergies, and what can help them. If you are unsure what is causing your allergy to flair up, consult your physician and discover together when it’s ok to stop and smell the roses. 


4. Spring cleaning should not end in the spring. Regularly clean bookshelves, vents, on top of the fridge, and other places dust, pollen and other allergens can collect. You should also check and change your homes air filters regularly. To better ensure an allergy free zone, invest in an air purifier to help monitor and clean the air in your home.

Follow these 4 tips and you will be on your way to enjoying an allergy free summer. 

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