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8 Tips for Beating Cold & Flu Season


Time for turkey legs, parades, pecans, warm coats, and cold nights. Time to put away the sandals and break out the sweaters, fall is officially here.  We love the fall season, but also acknowledge  cooler weather and cherry pie are not the only things that fall brings. Stock up on sanitizer, tissues, and tasty cough drops, cold and flu season have arrived. It is hard to say how long and contagious this flu season will be, but you can be sure that following these 8 tips can ensure you will enjoy more cherry pie than cough drops this fall.

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 It cannot be overstated the importance of getting enough rest. Many people believe they can tough it out, and work through their cold. Not only are you contaminating those around you, but you are actually doing your own body more harm. When sick, your body needs rest so that it can focus on fighting the infection. I think many would also agree they are half as productive when sick. We suggest counting more sheep and taking it easy so your body can heal. Not getting enough rest can further lower your defenses for fighting the illness and prolong your recovery. 

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This is one of the most effective ways to help stop the spread of germs. Wash for a full 20 seconds with soap and water, or the equivalent of humming happy birthday. Teach your children to do the same and  help decrease the germs found throughout the house, and more importantly help prevent them from bringing more than just their macaroni art home from school. If soap and water are not available, reach for some sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 

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When that sneeze comes bellowing out, catch it with a tissue, and help prevent the spread of your germs. Hands are for handshakes and high fives, not high powered sneezes. If a tissue is unavailable, and you must use your hands, refer to tip #2 immediately after.  Bless You.

PRM_Facebook_Blog_Flu_Keep it clean

With a sick family member in the house germs are inevitable, the best way to combat spreading is to disinfect as you can.  Wipe down doorknobs, remotes, toys, tables, phones… things that are heavily used by the sick family member. You do not have to chase them around with the Lysol spray, but hitting the high traffic areas often can help keep germs to a minimum. 

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Football season is in full swing and what’s football without a hearty cheese dip. We must warn you though to dip with caution. It may be harboring more than delicious cheesy goodness. Double-dippers may be passing germs to those who eat after them, and in our playbook its a big penalty. Opting for flavored chips or skipping straight to the bbq at large events can help keep you game day ready all season. 


Purses pick up germs just like people, they are set down everywhere we go, from dressing rooms to bathrooms. It is very likely you are exposing yourself to cold causing germs every time you pick up your handbag. We suggest putting away the cloth purses this flu season and reach for one that is easy to wipe down such as vinyl or leather.  If you were looking for an excuse to shop for a new purse, your welcome. 

PRM_Facebook_Blog_Flu_Eat Well Live Well

Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are key to helping your immune system stay strong.  Not sure where to start? Check out this list of the top 10 foods that can help you fend of illness and build your immune system. We know fast food is often more convenient and time saving, but taking the time to eat healthy today can help save you from a lengthy and miserable flu recovery tomorrow. 

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Flu Shots are one the of the most effective ways to keep you well this flu season. It can take up to two weeks to build immunity after a flu shot, but you can benefit from the vaccine even if you don’t get it until after flu season starts. Premier Medical is happy to offer this years Influenza vaccination, schedule your appointment today, and as always consult your doctor before beginning any new treatment.  


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